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- Hardware: HP (ProLiant, Moonshot), Dell, SuperMicro, Soekris, Sun/Oracle SPARC, Silicon Graphics;
- datacenter technological management;
- free UNIX operating systems:
- GNU/Linux : Debian, Gentoo, Red Hat, Slackware, Ubuntu;
- FreeBSD;
- OpenBSD;
- ZSH and Bash shells;
- tmux, vim, sed, grep, etc.;
- network:
- firewalls: Packet Filter, pfSense, OpnSense, NetFilter/IPTables;
- VPN: IPsec, OpenVPN;
- SSH (OpenSSH, PuTTY), DNS/DNSSEC (ISC Bind, NSD, Unbound), DHCP, PXE booting, etc.;
- console access: HP iLo, IPMI, Sun LOM/ALOM/ILOM;
- load balancing and high availability : KeepAlived, HAProxy, relayd;
- Cisco appliances management;
- security:
- general cryptography, TLS/SSL, certification authorities (PKI, CACert, Let’s Encrypt);
- OpenSSL/LibreSSL, GnuPG, etc.;
- Network IDS/IPS (Suricata) and Host-based IDS/IPS (rkhunter, OSSEC);
- penetration testing: OpenVAS;
- Web:
- Apache HTTPd, Nginx, Varnish, HAProxy;
- PHP, Ruby on Rails, Java, Apache Tomcat;
- DotClear, WordPress, DokuWiki, MediaWiki, StatusNet, ownCloud, NextCloud, Tiny-Tiny RSS, Mattermost, webalizer, Awstats, Piwik/Matomo, etc.;
- e-mail:
- Postfix, Dovecot, spamd;
- databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL;
- monitoring: SNMP, Nagios/Centreon, PNP4Nagios, Shinken, Graphite;
- backup: Bacula, Bareos;
- configuration management: Puppet, Foreman, Rundeck, Ansible, AWX/Tower;
- development tools: Git, Gitlab, Mercurial, MantisBT, Jenkins.